Successful COVID safety procedures

Successful COVID safety procedures

I'm writing this at the end of January 2021 after almost a year since COVID came to our shores.  Your safety and comfort has always been my top priority.  Although infection prevention procedures are a part of what every licensed esthetician does, a few things had to be added to address the specifics of COVID.  


Now that I've had time to evaluate, I'm happy to report that there have been zero exposures to COVID for my clients who have returned to Calm Beauty.  Since returning to work, I too have remained healthy.

Here are the things that have changed since reopening;

Air flow

Calm Beauty has always had one of the largest, airiest spa rooms in all of New York City.  However, I decided to re-arrange the table so it was closer to a window that I can open and circulate air during and between clients.  Everyone who has seen it thinks my room got bigger!

I've also installed an air filtration system which is cleaned daily.

Timing between appointments has been extended

Whereas I used to have people waiting for their appointments in the small hallway while I finished with another client, appointments for now are spaced so you don't see anyone else coming or going. 

Unfortunately thins has meant that I am unable to do shorter services, but hope I can again offer them when things are under control.

Face shield and masks

It took awhile to get used to, but I now confidently wear a face shield and mask.  This is so I remain healthy and don't spread anything to my clients.

I am also happy to report that all of my clients have been super responsible - they show up with their masks on, and they wear the clean one I give them after the session.  They are also diligent in monitoring their own health and let me know they are cancelling when they have the slightest of symptoms.

Temperature and Health Checks

I rise at 5:30am each day to assess my own health, including my temperature. 

Before coming in, each of my clients completes a COVID Health Questionnaire at home and submits online for my review.  This alerts them to what should keep them away from the studio, and gives me information about limitations.  For example, an inability to get your heart rate up during exercise may mean you had COVID at one point and there may be residual damage that would preclude any deep tissue massage since you would also be more prone to bruising.

When clients arrive, I also perform a temperature check.

The Official Data

Data has been collected by New York State Contact Tracing that tells of great news - personal services account for only 0.14% of total COVID exposures.  This is so low, which is encouraging.  Supporting the local businesses you love means you can still stay healthy!

I welcome you back when you feel ready, and if you have any questions about Calm Beauty's procedures, please send an email to


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